Tool programs for ART files, for Build Games Ex: Duke3D, Shadow Warrior
Duke Nukem 3d Megaton Download
These files exist in this archive.
ART2BMP .EXE ART -> BMP Converter
ART format has many images and flags for animation in a file. ART2BMP will separate to many files and convert to BMP format. It will use a pallet file. (Default is 'PALETTE.DAT') And it create a flag file and a log file too.
ART2BMPE.TXT English manual of ART2BMP
ART2BMPJ.TXT Japanese manual of ART2BMP
BMP2ART .EXE BMP -> ART Converter (256 .BMP)
ART format has many images and flags for animation in a file. BMP2ART will join many BMP files and convert to ART format.
It won't get a palette data. Because ART file doesn't have palette data.
BMP2ARTE.TXT English manual of BMP2ART
BMP2ARTJ.TXT Japanese manual of BMP2ART
PALBMP .EXE New BMP file creater (from PAL file)
This software can make a new BMP file with getting palette from a PAL file. And, It can make a color pattern image file too.
PALBMPE .TXT English manual of PALBMP
PALBMPJ .TXT Japanese manual of PALBMP
PALMAKE .EXE Palette file creater
This software can make a new palette file for BUILD from source palette file.
PALMAKEE.TXT English manual of PALMAKE
PALMAKEJ.TXT Japanese manual of PALMAKE
PALMUCH .EXE Be much palette program
PALMUCH overwrights sorce file palette data by other palette file for
BUILD. And it finds the nearest color to change color index.
PALMUCHE.TXT English manual of PALMUCH
PALMUCHJ.TXT Japanese manual of PALMUCH
ENGLISH .TXT You are reading.
JAPANESE.TXT As same contents as 'ENGLISH.TXT' Japanese version.
Duke3d.grp Download Free
Duke3d.grp Download Full
Recommended software programs are sorted by OS platform (Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android etc.) and possible program actions that can be done with the file: like open grp file, edit grp file, convert grp file, view grp file, play grp file etc. (if exist software for corresponding action in's database). Step 1 Copy the file DUKE3D.GRP to a directory of your choosing on your hard disk. Under Windows, the GRP file may show up as a 'Microsoft Program Group'. If you have bought the Steam version Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition you can find this file in 'Steam steamapps common Duke Nukem 3D gameroot classic'.