Db2 Odbc Driver For Mac

  • The ODBC drivers on Linux and macOS iterate sequentially through all IP addresses associated with a DNS hostname if you are not connecting to an availability group listener, and multiple IP addresses are associated with the hostname.
  • You can obtain the IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC and CLI product from the Db2® installation media or the IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC and CLI product can be download from the internet. If you are installing from the Db2 installation media, copy the IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC and CLI product image to the target computer.

OpenLink Express Edition ODBC Driver for DB2 for Mac Free to try OpenLink Software Mac OS X 10.5 Intel/PPC, Mac OS X 10.6/10.7/10.8/10.9 Version 6.3 Full Specs Download Now Secure Download. The OpenLink ODBC Driver for DB2 (Express Edition) supports connections to DB2 6.x through 8.x, and has been specifically designed for Apple's Mac Universal platform. If you want to use pyodbc, you will need to: Install/configure the vendor ODBC driver. In your case, you would need to install either the DB2 Data Server Driver for ODBC and CLI, the DB2 Data Server Runtime Client or the DB2 Data Server client and define the connection to the remote DB2 database in the DB2 client.

The IBM® Db2® Database Plug-in for Zowe™ CLI lets you interact with Db2 for z/OS to perform tasks through Zowe CLI and integrate with modern development tools. The plug-in also lets you interact with Db2 to advance continuous integration and to validate product quality and stability.

Zowe CLI Plug-in for IBM Db2 Database lets you execute SQL statements against a Db2 region, export a Db2 table, and call a stored procedure. The plug-in also exposes its API so that the plug-in can be used directly in other products.

  • Installing

# Use cases

As an application developer, you can use Zowe CLI Plug-in for IBM DB2 Database to perform the following tasks:

  • Execute SQL and interact with databases.
  • Execute a file with SQL statements.
  • Export tables to a local file on your computer in SQL format.
  • Call a stored procedure and pass parameters.

# Commands

For detailed documentation on commands, actions, and options available in this plug-in, see our Web Help. It is available for download in three formats: a PDF document, an interactive online version, and a ZIP file containing the HTML for the online version.

# Software requirements

Db2 Odbc Driver For Mac

Before you install the plug-in, meet the software requirements in Software requirements for Zowe CLI plug-ins.

# Installing

Use one of the following methods to install the the Zowe CLI Plug-in for IBM Db2 Database:

# Installing from an online registry

If you installed Zowe CLI from online registry, complete the following steps:

  1. Open a commandline window and issue the following command:

  2. Address the license requirements to begin using the plug-in.

# Installing from a local package

Follow these procedures if you downloaded the Zowe installation package:

# Downloading the ODBC driver

Download the ODBC driver before you install the Db2 plug-in.

Follow these steps:

  1. Download the ODBC CLI Driver. Use the table within the download URL to select the correct CLI Driver for your platform and architecture.

  2. Create a new directory named odbc_cli on your computer. Remember the path to the new directory. You will need to provide the full path to this directory immediately before you install the Db2 plug-in.

  3. Place the ODBC driver in the odbc_cli folder. Do not extract the ODBC driver.

You downloaded and prepared to use the ODBC driver successfully. Proceed to install the plug-in to Zowe CLI.


# Installing the plug-in

Now that the Db2 ODBC CLI driver is downloaded, set the IBM_DB_INSTALLER_URL environment variable and install the Db2 plug-in to Zowe CLI.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open a command line window and change the directory to the location where you extracted the zowe-cli-bundle.zip file. If you do not have the zowe-cli-bundle.zip file, see the topic Install Zowe CLI from local package in Installing Zowe CLI for information about how to obtain and extract it.

  2. From a command line window, set the IBM_DB_INSTALLER_URL environment variable by issuing the following command:

    • Windows operating systems:

    • Linux and Mac operating systems:

    For example, if you downloaded the Windows x64 driver (ntx64_odbc_cli.zip) to C:odbc_cli, you would issue the following command:

  3. Issue the following command to install the plug-in:

  4. Address the license requirements to begin using the plug-in.

# Addressing the license requirement

OdbcDb2 Odbc Driver For Mac

The following steps are required for both the registry and offline package installation methods:

  1. Locate your client copy of the Db2 license. You must have a properly licensed and configured Db2 instance for the Db2 plugin to successfully connect to Db2 on z/OS.

    Note: The license must be of version 11.5 if the Db2 server is not db2connectactivated. You can buy a db2connect license from IBM. The connectivity can be enabled either on server using db2connectactivate utility or on client using client side license file.To know more about DB2 license and purchasing cost, please contact IBM Customer Support.

  2. Copy your Db2 license file and place it in the following directory.

    • Windows:
    • Linux:

    Tip: By default, <zowe_home> is set to ~/.zowe on *NIX systems, and C:Users<Your_User>.zowe on Windows systems.

    After the license is copied, you can use the Db2 plugin functionality.

# Creating a user profile

Before you start using the IBM Db2 plug-in, create a profile.

Issue the command -DISPLAY DDF in the SPUFI or ask your DBA for the following information:

  • The Db2 server host name
  • The Db2 server port number
  • The database name (you can also use the location)
  • The user name
  • The password
  • If your Db2 systems use a secure connection, you can alsoprovide an SSL/TSL certificate file.

Db2 Odbc Driver For Windows

To create a db2 profile in Zowe CLI, issue the following command with your connection details for the Db2 instance:

Ibm Odbc Driver Download

Note For more information, issue the command zowe profiles create db2-profile --help